As I am waiting for my next session, I see a post in my email from google.classroom. A student has recently uploaded their second draft of their RAFT (Role, Audience, Format, Topic) paper comparing and contrasting DNA Replication with Protein Synthesis. I then open my google.classroom account and click on their submission. As the paper is loading, I find myself hoping and praying that they read my comments and took the time to glance at the highlighted rubric so they will be eligible for lacrosse. I scan the paper and scroll down to the bottom of the paper in order to examine the previously colored boxes of the orange-slice rubric. The orange-slice add-on in is now loaded and I begin to smile as I read and witness improvement across multiple areas within the paper. Another personal comment, another click and like magic I can see growth before my eyes through various shades of orange. A few more clicks, a positive comment, and everything is returned to the student. I find it amazing, that another timezone away, I am interacting with my students and gaining insight into their newly acquired knowledge and related misunderstandings. This seamless technological approach allows me to adjust my instruction to suit their needs. I find it incredible that ten years ago-no be honest, five years ago I was still grading with the bleeding pen and carrying around twenty pounds of student generated papers. The turn around time, brief comments, and the weight of the assignment is gone! Thank you Tech Team!
NOTE: Technology used: email, google.classroom, google docs with orange-slice add on, and infinite campus.
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